DoorDash had two patents in robotics during Q2 2024. DoorDash Inc has filed patents for an automated food making apparatus that includes a carousel with a dispensing apparatus shared among multiple canisters, where ingredients are dispensed by rotating a paddle. Another aspect of the invention is a dispensing mechanism with an actuator arm, motor, magnets, and sensors to dispense ingredients by rotating a pin on a canister. GlobalData’s report on DoorDash gives a 360-degree view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

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DoorDash had no grants in robotics as a theme in Q2 2024.

Recent Patents

Application: Automated food making apparatus (Patent ID: US20240138629A1)

The patent filed by DoorDash Inc. describes an automated food making apparatus that includes a carousel with canisters for storing and dispensing ingredients. The dispensing apparatus shared among the canisters is configured to rotate a paddle to dispense ingredients. The apparatus also includes a mechanism with an actuator arm, motor, magnets, and sensors to dispense ingredients by rotating a pin on a canister. The canisters have bases that can seal or unseal a food opening, with insulation layers to seal the opening when needed. A cam mechanism with two stable states is used to actuate the base of the canister to seal or unseal the food opening, with a pin and motor engaging the cam mechanism for operation.

The automated food making apparatus further includes a plurality of canisters coupled to the carousel, with ingredient canisters for storing and dispensing ingredients and insulation canisters for sealing the food opening. The insulation canisters have states to seal or unseal the opening, with a cam mechanism and pin used to move the insulation layer accordingly. A method of operating the apparatus involves rotating the carousel to align the insulation canister with the food opening, engaging the insulation layer to insulate the chamber, dispensing ingredients, disengaging the insulation layer, and rotating the carousel to move the insulation canister out of alignment with the food opening. The method also includes using a motor and actuator arm to actuate the insulation layer and dispense ingredients through the food opening.

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GlobalData Patent Analytics tracks bibliographic data, legal events data, point in time patent ownerships, and backward and forward citations from global patenting offices. Textual analysis and official patent classifications are used to group patents into key thematic areas and link them to specific companies across the world’s largest industries.