DoorDash had one patents in social media during Q2 2024. DoorDash Inc’s patent involves a system that uses computational models to predict which merchants will receive orders, then manages delivery agents to be in position for pickup. The system selects and instructs a delivery agent to move to the predicted location for efficient order fulfillment. GlobalData’s report on DoorDash gives a 360-degree view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

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DoorDash had no grants in social media as a theme in Q2 2024.

Recent Patents

Application: Delivery agent network management (Patent ID: US20240193507A1)

The patent filed by DoorDash Inc. describes a system that uses a computational model to predict individual merchants likely to receive orders in the future. The system then determines the locations of delivery agents and selects one to move to a specific location for picking up the predicted order. A message is sent to the selected delivery agent instructing them to move to the location. The system also considers factors like past order information, predicted order preparation times, and the number of orders to be received by each merchant in determining the actions of the delivery agents.

The system further includes operations for determining the location for the selected delivery agent based on geographic distribution, receiving geolocation information periodically from delivery agent devices, predicting items to be included in orders, and managing the activation of inactive delivery agents based on the number of orders predicted. Additionally, the system uses the computational model to consider weather information and event information in predicting which merchants will receive orders. The method and computer-readable media described in the patent provide detailed steps for implementing this system, including the use of algorithms, computational models, and rules to optimize the delivery process based on predicted orders and delivery agent locations.

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