Amadeus has announced a partnership with Microsoft to introduce an AI-powered chatbot designed to revolutionise the way hoteliers access and interpret business intelligence data.

The new chatbot, named Amadeus Advisor, is integrated into the Agency360+ suite and leverages Azure OpenAI Service to provide quick, natural language responses to complex data queries.

The collaboration aims to simplify the data analysis process for hotel industry professionals, offering them an efficient tool to make informed, data-driven decisions. The Amadeus Advisor chatbot builds on the strategic partnership formed in 2021 between Amadeus and Microsoft to foster innovation across the travel sector.

The Gen AI technology within Amadeus Advisor allows for instantaneous collection of detailed insights, expediting the analysis of complex data and aiding in strategic business planning. Hotel revenue managers can easily obtain information on average daily rates, room nights, and revenue pipelines, streamlining the entire process and eliminating the need for manual data searches.

The chatbot is designed to be user-friendly, enabling even those with limited technical expertise to utilise the tool effectively. It can be used across various hotel operations, including sales, marketing, and distribution strategies, to apply the insights gained from the data.

Microsoft Travel, Transport & Logistics managing director Julie Shainock said: “We are excited to collaborate with Amadeus on this innovative experience powered by AI, that leverages both Amadeus’s deep expertise in travel and hospitality and Azure OpenAI Service capabilities. Amadeus Advisor now offers a more intelligent experience to hoteliers around the world, accelerating real-time decision-making and their operational efficiencies. This is a new step in our strategic partnership with Amadeus aiming at driving innovation together and building the future of travel.”

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Amadeus Business Intelligence and Data Solutions, Hospitality senior vice president Michael Yeomans said, “At Amadeus, we are committed to innovation as we work to shape the future of hospitality technology, and the Amadeus Advisor chatbot powered by Azure OpenAI Service is a great example of this ambition coming to life. This is a transformational step forward in our offering to provide more intelligent and responsive technology, an improved user experience, and remove the need for hoteliers to manually comb through data. The tool quickly presents complex information in a simple and easy-to-understand format, freeing up time for hoteliers to focus on more strategic initiatives that drive revenue.”

In addition to the chatbot, Amadeus has upgraded its iHotelier Suite in April 2024, delivering a comprehensive set of customisable solutions to enhance the hotel tech stack experience.