Hospitality technology provider Cvent is set to roll out several AI-driven product offerings this year, targeted at hoteliers and hospitality professionals.

The announcement was made during the company’s Hospitality Cloud Product Roadmap Session at Cvent CONNECT, being held between 10 and 13 June.

Cvent product management vice president Jim Abramson said: “Our product development strategy prioritises a practical application of AI across our platform that maximises impact while minimising the effort required from our users to access it.

“We plan to continue investing in new and innovative ways to combine the power of AI, with our decades of data-driven insights, to help hotel teams achieve even better group business results.”

The new AI capabilities within Planner Navigator are designed to assist sales teams by automatically aligning their hotel, venue, or destination with planners searching for specific dates.

This is expected to streamline the matching process and improve sales team efficiency.

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Additionally, AI will power the creation of customised prospecting pitches, enabling hoteliers to design effective and targeted communications to attract their desired audience.

Cvent has also introduced new AI-powered solutions within the Cvent Supplier Network (CSN), including a natural language search feature.

This will allow planners to conduct intuitive searches for hotels and destinations using conversational language.

The AI-enabled matching feature will surface the best-fit properties, simplifying the sourcing process and providing hotels and venues with more qualified requests for proposals (RFPs).

Another AI technology will use a hotel or venue’s historical RFP responses and CSN profile information to instantly generate answers to Custom Questions from planners.

This capability is set to reduce the response time for hotel sales teams when completing and replying to planner proposals.

The AI-powered RFP Agenda Builder will help planners quickly create comprehensive agendas.

This tool is designed to enhance the planner experience and ensure that hoteliers receive the necessary information to execute events.

Furthermore, the AI Diagram Assistant incorporates natural language functionality. 

This is expected to empower hotel operations teams to produce precise, customised floorplans and room layouts within Cvent Event Diagramming.

In April this year, Cvent integrated its room block management system, Cvent Passkey, with Maestro’s property management system.