Hyatt Corporation has announced a collaboration with LG Electronics on integrated Google Cast casting capabilities for LG smart hotel TVs.

Google Cast allows guests to use their mobile phone devices as personalised remote controls to play Internet-streamed audiovisual content. Cast-enabled apps include Spotify and Hulu which are accessed via a QR code displayed on the TV.

In addition to mobile device controls, the TV remote can also be used for play, track and volume controls. Devices are automatically reset when guests check out.

With LG’s Pro:Centric platform, Hyatt aims to become the first hospitality brand to enable the deployment of new integrated LG smart hotel TVs later in 2024 for its properties around the world. The company first introduced casting to its TVs in 2017.

Hyatt’s casting partner is SONIFI, a hospitality solutions provider that provides casting to more than 500,000 industry rooms.

The new TVs will be publicly demonstrated for the first time at the HITEC 2024 hospitality technology trade show, to be held in Orange County, California from 24 to 27 June 2024.

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Google Cast is compatible with Android 6 and the newer iOS 14, and comes pre-installed on all Android devices.

LG Business Solutions USA senior vice-president Michael Kosla commented: “LG is pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in hotel room entertainment through partnerships with technology leaders like Google to combine our new smart hotel TVs with the latest in casting technology to benefit hoteliers and guests alike.”

Hyatt associate vice-president of guest products Rohan Jani added: “This is aligned with our purpose of care and goal to make the guest experience even more seamless. With Google and LG, we are exploring taking in-room casting to the next level to boost operational efficiency and improve the guest experience.”

LG has a strong foothold in the hotel industry, having previously worked with Marriott and IHG.