Kempinski Hotels has collaborated with Chinese luxury brand NUO Hotels to host the 2024 Kempinski and NUO Hotels China Roadshow in Beijing and Shanghai.

The roadshow attracted the participation of 28 Kempinski hotels, including eight from outside China, and three NUO hotels.

Premium Chinese brand NUO is currently working to diversify its portfolio across the business, holiday and heritage hotel segments, and is rounding out this offering with three hotels in Beijing.

Kempinski is Europe’s oldest luxury hotel brand and one of the first international hotel groups to enter the Chinese market.

The company established its presence in Beijing in 1992 with the opening of the Kempinski Hotel Beijing Lufthansa Center (now the Kempinski Hotel Beijing Yansha Center). In 2001 it formed a joint venture, Key International Hotel Management.

In April 2024, Bristoria, a Kempinski brand, opened its first hotel in Yangzhou City, China – its 21st property in the country.

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Kempinski CCO Amanda Elder commented: “China plays a pivotal role in Kempinski Hotels’ global strategic blueprint, serving as a cornerstone of our expansion and investment efforts. Our multi-brand matrix strategy is tailored to address the diverse and personalised needs of business travellers in the market.”

According to GlobalData’s report China Source Tourism, the country’s leading source markets include Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, the US and Russia.