Heathrow Marriott Hotel

Alongside social enterprise Clean the World, London Heathrow Marriott Hotel has become the first European hotel to begin recycling discarded soap.

The new initiative is aimed at repurporsing hygiene supplies left behind by guests to benefit homeless shelters, senior citizens, and struggling families worldwide.

London Heathrow Marriott Hotel general manager Ron Vos said: "Hundreds of people fly in and out of Heathrow Airport every day, and as a result we see hundreds of leisure and business guests come through our doors.

"If you think about the amount of soap that’s discarded by each of these guests, and then consider all the people in the world that may not have the luxury of hygiene products, it seems absurd to let it all go to waste."

"European hotels have a strong sustainability focus and are looking for new ways to embrace corporate social responsibility."

According to Marriott Hotel, the new development is a part of their dedication to environmental sustainability.

The hotel has already been recognised by Greenleaders and Green Tourism for its effort to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Clean the World founder and CEO Shawn Seipler said: "European hotels have a strong sustainability focus and are looking for new ways to embrace corporate social responsibility.

"This expansion is significant for us, and we couldn’t ask for a better launch partner than the London Heathrow Marriott and Marriott International."

Since 2009, Clean the World has distributed more than one million hygiene kits in the US, Canada, and Asia, and diverted 3,600t of waste from landfills.

Image: Heathrow Marriott Hotel claims it is the first hotel in Europe to recycle discarded soap. Photo: courtesy of BJL Group Limited.