Westin San Diego Bayview, a hotel in San Diego, US, has concluded an extensive $20m renovation.

Aimbridge Hospitality, a third-party management company that operates the property, was responsible for the upgrade, with HVSDesign being in charge of the design.

HVSDesign design director Michelle C West said: “From the moment guests step off the elevator, they are greeted with delicate tones and a meandering carpet pattern that leads them to a memorable in-room experience, with our intention to create spaces where guests felt like they could truly take a break from the bustling city centre where the hotel is located.”

This renovation has transformed the hotel’s 436 rooms, including five suites.

The hotel’s meeting spaces, comprising more than 30,000ft², have also been refreshed.

Among the other amenities provided at the property include a fitness studio, a rooftop pool, and a whirlpool, among others.

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Situated near the Gaslamp Quarter, the hotel offers access to locations such as Petco Park and the San Diego Zoo.

Westin San Diego Bayview general manager Peter Engard said: “In concert with our exceptional team and amenities, this renovation exemplifies our commitment to delivering an unparalleled experience for groups, events, meetings and leisure travellers.

“We seamlessly blend modern aesthetics with the well-being initiatives that define the Westin brand.”

Earlier this year, Aimbridge Hospitality announced organisational changes to optimise its operations in the US.

The company has launched a dedicated Owner Relations team and has reorganised into two specialised operating divisions, namely Aimbridge Select and Aimbridge Full Service.