
The world of hotel marketing is changing rapidly. It is, therefore, essential for a hotelier to stay in contact with the guest.

A hotel that has a personal approach to a guest takes a significant lead over the competition. This underlines the power of a follow-up email.

A follow-up email is also called an autoresponder. This is an automatic email that hotel guests can receive for various reasons. This mail can be sent after placing an online reservation, when the guests are staying at the hotel or after the hotel visit.

Follow-up emails not only for standard confirmation texts

Many hoteliers underestimate the value of follow-up emails. They think of this as a standard email to send standard confirmation texts. With this mindset, communication is being compromised. After all, a follow-up email is a moment of contact with the guest, which can be of great value. This can relate to both the spending pattern of a guest in a hotel and obtaining information about the guest experience after the visit.

Indicate direction by sending a follow-up email

Many hotel guests do not find the receipt of a follow-up email annoying. These types of emails often inspire confidence concerning the reservation made. In addition, a follow-up email can give direction to the guest. This mailing can, among other things, draw the guests’ attention to any possibilities to use meals within a hotel, to make use of a wellness offer or to point out other options.

The first impression of a hotel guest

By sending a follow-up email after an online reservation, there is a first contact with the guest. It is, therefore, of great importance to immediately create the right image. The tone of communication and the impression that is left in the mail lingers on the receiver and creates the image of a hotel. By applying personalization, the guest feels personally addressed, and this person will show interest in a possible offer sooner.

Follow-up email as useful information provision about guest experiences

A follow-up email can also be sent after a guest’s stay in a hotel. This mailing can then form the basis of useful information provided with regard to the guest experience. The mailing can, in that case, be used to request feedback from the guest, in combination with an offer for a next stay.

GuestDelight offers very advanced options in this area. Using the most modern techniques (OneClickMonitoring®) that we can link to social media, it is possible to generate more feedback on your reservations. The follow-up email is sent fully automatically 24 hours after the departure of your guests. You do not need to perform any action for this.

OneClickMonitoring® from GuestDelight

OneClickMonitoring® is a unique application that allows you to proactively take control of the online reputation of your hotel. As a result, the feedback rating will rise considerably. By applying this information, you will also notice that the percentage of positive reviews will increase substantially.

GuestDelight is directly connected to your guests. We offer advanced possibilities to communicate with your guest in your unique way (mobile). With this, you can ensure that the experience stays with you and the building of lasting relationships.

Are you interested in finding out what your options are in this area? Please contact us to make an appointment without obligation to discuss this.